First RoboPol meeting

First RoboPol meeting took place in the Caltech on January 29 - February 1. Some presentations from the meeting can be downladed here. T. Hovata: OVRO 40m monitoring program E. Angelakis: F-GAMMA overview A. Ramaprakash: PDF, PPT O. King: RoboPol Dynamic Scheduling O. King: RoboPol Pipeline V. Pavlidou: TBA I. Myserlis: Obseravtions of candiate targets E. Pazderski: Torun 22 GHz receiver B. Pazderska: Torun Blazar Monitoring Program K. Tassis: TBA


Project EUROCAL is supported by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme, through an International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) Marie Curie Action, under grant agreemen PIRSES-GA-2012-316788.